Control Folly

JW. asks about Control Folly

So I’m battling with this idea of controlled folly. ( I think I know what you would say, don’t believe in controlled folly, lol). Do you have your own personal idea of what that is? I have a couple of interpretations of what that means. One would be to live in a state of love and grace while still respecting peoples fear boundary’s. Another would be to extract deeper meaning from what people say while still acting like there is little meaning in the way things happen.

Thanks for your time Gary, I always appreciate hearing from you.


Dear JW.

For a Spiritual Warrior Control Folly doesn’t have much value as a practice until they have cleaned their mind of all old beliefs and social domestication. At that point a warrior has the option to act in any circumstance with an infinite number of choices. Any one of his actions is completely unimportant. However if a Spiritual Warrior chooses, he will engage in the experience in a way that is deeply connected and meaningful. That is Control Folley.

To engage in a way that is with complete respect and with unconditional love is just the common sense choice to be Impeccable.

Control Folly is really only something that can be done once a Warrior has cleaned their mind of old beliefs and dispensed with all their old habits.  Until then a person can too easily delude themselves into believing they are making a choice.


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